DiskFlashback Release Notes --------------------------- https://robsmithdev.co.uk/diskflashback Fixed disabling "auto-detect com port" being ignored Better support for hard disk image files larger than 4G (some partitions got ignored before) Upgraded to use the new ADFLib v0.9 Changed error handling when reading from disks to include the Always Ignore option Added Amiga PFS3 file system support (this was a real PITA!) Further improved NDOS disk support for Amiga Prevent attempted auto-mount of real drive if no COM ports are detected, and slowed this down too. Detects if you disconnect your Drawbridge, Greaseweazle or Supercard PRO board and removes the drive. Fixed DD/HD detection if the wrong format is written to the disk Added option to force the density when writing a floppy disk (use with care, you can't actually override the density) Changed mounting of physical drives to be off by default (d'oh) Fixed failing to mount Amiga Rigid Disk Block Images Fixed bug where the current real flopy drive configuration was not shown upon re-opening the config dialog Improved handling for NDOS disks where system type is known but not file system New menu option in the system menu with "Copy to Disk" and "Copy to Image" incase you couldnt find them for the file context menus Added warning if you try to backup a real disk to an image file and the file system was not recognised Added copyright and licence notices to the headers of files Fixed the system tray icon tool tip Improved SCP file code Faster Unmount of Disk Images Added auto-start of the system menu if for some reason it's not running Updated FloppyBridge fixing a few bugs Now cleans up drive icons on startup incase they're there from a bad quit Initial release