I've listed all of my videos below in date order, alternatively, visit my YouTube Channel to view them from there.
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In this video I'm going to recap on where I got to last time, and the exciting stage I'm currently at! There's some great progress, and I'm now in beta testing for the minimig core. This also includes some important updates for copy protected games to work too.
In this video we're going to take a look at a MOD you can do on the A590 to give it a speed boost. That's right, the 14Mhz mod. We'll take a look at what it does, perform the mod, and benchmark the speed changes.
In this video I'll show you how to troubleshoot a floppy disk drive thats not reading disks. I'll then show you how to manually clean one, and finally how to build your own floppy drive head cleaning disk.
Get rid of that old spinning SCSI hard disk drive. In this video we're going to look at solid state alternatives for SCSI drives that we could install in our newly working A590.
I'll focus on the Blue SCSI V2, and once installed we'll re-install the operation system, OS3.2 and all of it's updates.
Did you know Epson used to make hard disk drives?! In the last video we took a look at the A590 and got the RAM working.
In this video we'll test out the hard drive side, and if its not working we'll attempt to fix it.
I purchased a rather rare and early model A590 Amiga Hard Drive from Ebay. It has a really low serial number.
In this video we'll take a look at the A590 in detail, and we'll see if we can get it to work, starting with the supported onboard Fast RAM. In the next video we'll take a look at the hard disk side of the A590.
I've never been happy with the quality of the video recording looking down on onto my desk. So, in this video I explore using an old Cisco video conferencing camera that supports the VISCA protocol.
In this video we're going to create this rather attractive Amiga-style levitating Boing-Ball!
It makes a real attractive display piece and aside from all the 3D printing it actually fairly simple to build.
We STILL have a slightly annoying problem, she's wonderful, but has a habbit of leaving the door open. In my last video we built a remote control door closer, but the range was terrible.
So, it's coming to the time of year for eating lots of chocolate eggs, so I thought, let's make a game.
I wanted this to be a platform game about rabbits and chocolate eggs, and controlled by a joystick or keyboard.
I couldn't think of a title either, but with the help of ChatGPT, Hop to the Top was created!
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